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Sep 3, 2012

Broccolette Chutney

Broccolette Chutney
Yummy Broccolette Chutney

Have you ever seen the long skinny vegetable that looks similar to Broccoli but has smaller florets and long stalks? I found this interesting vegetable when I recently visited the grocery store. It immediately caught my eye as it looked fresh and cute. Later I searched web to find out what it is and came to know that this is nothing but a cross between Broccoli and Chinese kale. 

Photo Source: Ebfarm
I tried making a stir-fry with these cuties just like I make curry with Broccoli, but none in the family liked it. It was little hard to chew unlike Broccoli. When I was scratching my head for ideas to consume the remaining vegetable, DH said he will make chutney with it. I thought it was a good idea and said yes. So he prepared this great tasting chutney using Broccolette. It came out so delicious.

Here is the recipe:

Broccolette Chutney
  • A bunch of Broccolette, washed and cut into medium pieces
  • 1 small Onion, chopped
  • A small piece of Ginger, peeled and chopped
  • A pinch of Turmeric
  • ½ tsp Black Pepper Powder (Optional)
  • 1 tsp Tamarind pulp
  • A pinch of Asafetida (ఇంగువ, Hing)
  • 1 tsp Coriander Powder (can be replaced with whole coriander seeds)
  • 5 or 6 Dry Red Chilies (can be replaced with green chilies)
  • ½ tsp Cumin Seeds
  • 1 tsp Oil
  • Salt
  1. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds + broccolete pieces + onion + ginger + red chilies and sauté well.
  2. Add turmeric + black pepper + asafetida + coriander powder and fry well.
  3. When the vegetables appear to be tender, turn off the flame and leave for some time until they cool down.
  4. Later add the above contents to a blender jar along with tamarind pulp and salt. Grind the contents to a smooth paste by adding very little water. Don’t add too much water as the chutney may become too runny.
  5. Transfer the chutney to a serving bowl and enjoy with rice as well as chapathis.
  6. Yummy!!

Broccolette Chutney


Chitra said... [Reply]

Unique recipe. new to me..sounds nice..

Prathima Rao said... [Reply]

Broccolette is very new to me...This chutney looks yummm..Bookmarked for when i get hold of it :)
Prathima Rao
Prats Corner

Julie said... [Reply]

Yummy & unique chutney!!
Join my ongoing EP events-Oregano OR Paprika @ Foodomania

Anu said... [Reply]

Healty and delicious too...

indiamap said... [Reply]

Can we use this preparation for cauliflower also ?

Uma said... [Reply]

@indiamapYes, we can absolutely use cauliflower like this.

Deep Krishna Dubai said... [Reply]

Wow..looks inviting..

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