I just felt lazy to post some new post today, so posting an old post of mine which I am sending to two wonderful events:
- AFAM: Cherry hosted by Rachel, an event started by Maheshwari.
- FIC - Purple & Black, hosted by Sunshinemom.
Click on the picture or the title to read the recipe.
Then coming to the sweet surprises, I was showered again with some beautiful awards from my dear friends.
Purva, Priya and Yasmeen have passed the “Kreativ Award”. This is a combination of an award and a 7 things meme.

Here goes my meme:
7 Things I Say More Often:
- Oh really!
- Sure!
- Hmmm..!
- Yep..!
- Thank You!
- OMG!
- O.K.!
- Learned to play Veena, the musical instrument
- Enjoyed my time with family and friends, of course I do this all the time.
- Did lots of experiments on food
- Read many books
- Improved computer skills
- Enjoyed window shopping (Of course I do that now also)
- Visited beautiful countries like Hong Kong and Japan!
- Blogging gets the first place
- Doing experiments with food
- Watching music based programs on TV
- Doing Yoga for fitness
- Enjoying time with family
- Making new friends like you all!
- Chatting with family in India
- Spend more time on stitching
- Come back to ideal weight
- Make healthy habits
- Learn to sing
- Make more friends
- Develop my dream garden
- Enjoy with family and friends
- Honest
- Affectionate
- Humorous
- Patient
- Helpful
- Dignified
- Sharing
- Rice
- Fruits
- French Fries
- Butter Cookies
- All kinds of rotis
- Spicy pickles and curries
- Milkshakes

Vidhas has also passed the “Hardworking Blogger” award.

Ramya has created a beautiful award to share with friends. She named it “3600 Foodie Award”.

I am passing all the awards back to all the friends who have passed those to me and also to some other friends.
Purva Desai, Vidhas, Priya, Yasmeen, Ramya Vijaykumar, Suma Rajesh, Swati, Lubna, Rekha, Cham, Anudivya, Sowmya, Madhavi, Ranji, Vibaas, Karuna, Mahimaa, Lakshmi, Divya Vikram, Laavanya, Rachel, Indranee, Sra, Sunshinemom, Rosie, Pavani, Sangeeth, Shibani.
Ha ha bunch of awards to my Dear friend :) You deserve each and everyone...Hey clever idea to repost the cherry smoothie :) Thank you my Dear Uma to share ur awrds with me!
OMG..it is raining awards here...all these shows how much people love you and your work. Keep Rocking dear! Thanks for sharing your awards with me :)
Looks like its raining awards here. Congrats on all those well deserved awards.
Congrats on all those well-deserved awards and thanks for thinking of me as well..and thanks for the entry as well...
ohh my gosh.it is indeed a tons of awards...u deserve them uma nd am soo happy to rec from u...thank u soo much..
Hi Uma
These are such a lovely bunch of awards.. Each one of them is special.. Lucky you and lucky me :)))
Thanks dear..
oh! thanks so much for passsing these awards uma...and congrats!
oooho lots of awards congrats to u chala chala thanks uma naku pass chesinandiku. hannaa! paata sweets post chesesi tappinchu kundamane kotha recipe kanipetuu me mu nerchukuntamuga
ne food 7 chala naku kalustayi he he hee
Thanks for sharing them with me..nice post,nice meme..
Thanks so much Uma, doesn't matter if I have got it, Getting it from you makes it special... :)
Thanks a lot, and congrats on yours as well.
Uma,thanks a lot for sharing the lovely awards with me and congrats on your well deserved awards too!!
Congrats on ur Awards......
Congrats with all the wonderful awards and you too have a nice weekend
thanks a lot uma dear for ur awards ...so kind of u..
Suprise Weekend Bonanza waiting for you.
nice reading more about you ... lovely smoothie
Thank you so much uma, thanks for passing and congrats girl.
Thank you dear Uma for such a sweet surprise of a post... the juice, meme and the awards :)
congrats on all those awards, and thanks for thinking of me.
Hi-Did you count how many awards so far you achieved from all your blogger friends?
Hardwork will always pays off one or other way. Keep going my friend. You are going to have a very good future.
Congrats and wish you best of luck
Thanks for sharing the things about you.
-Nature Lover
Congrats for all the awards you deserve them dear....
It was nice reading ur MEME....
Thanks for sharing with me those awards...
Congrats, dear:) & thanks for passing on to me - I see the company is esteemed:)
congrats on your awrds...
good to know more about you ...
You know Veena playing ,wow!
hugs and smiles
Uma...great to know more about u...congrats on ur award..am glad to get these awards from u, they mean a lot dear..
You know what, i was planning to post a smoothie for FIC too..And congrats and thanks for the awards dear..And it was nice reading your meme.. Great that u know to play the veena. I am longing to learn it when we get back to India.
ooohhhhh my god, this is sooooooooo sweeeet of u. to pass on all these awards to me. this really means a lot. i am excited. thanks so much. had it not been for blogger friends like u, i wld not have got the motivation to blog. thanks a ton once again
Check my blog uma..http://priyaeasyntastyrecipes.blogspot.com/2008/11/360-foodie-award-n-yumyum-blog-award.html
Congrats on all your well deserved awards, enjoyed reading your 7 things meme...
Congrats on all your awards, dear. Thank u so much for thinking of me. What a great weekend surprise! Feel so happy and excited :)
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Thanks for dropping by! Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Hope to see you again! -Uma