Here is another beautiful prize (and it’s a surprise gift) I got for the fun-filled contest, “Open Sesame I” initiated by another dynamic duo Siri and Dhivya. They have sent this fabulous book as if they’ve read my mind! I am a great fan of Tarla Dalal, the famous Indian cooking author. I am overwhelmed with joy to receive this wonderful book of hers as a surprise gift. Thank you so much dear Siri and dear Dhivya for selecting such a great book and of course for hosting such an enjoyable contest.
Next coming to a couple awards showered on me by dear friends:
Dear Rekha has passed me the “Rocking Girl Blogger” award. Thank you Rekha for thinking about me. I am so flattered.

Dear Ramyabala and dear Madhavi passed me the beautiful “Giant Bear Hug” award. A big, big, big hug to you too! Thank you for the award dear friends!

I am passing this award to:
Congrats friends!
Dear Cham says I am inspiring her! Wow! You inspire me too dear! You’re such an amiable person. Thanks for the award…so happy to get it from you!
Last but not the least, dear Sashree has tagged me for the following meme:
What was I doing ten years ago?
Just moved to Japan
What are five things on my to-do list for today (non-work related)?
Hmmm. I guess nothing in particular as I am on vacation, he he!
What are five snacks I enjoy?
Popcorn, French Fries, Fruits, Cookies and any kind of chats.
What things would I do if I were a billionaire?
I’ll answer this question when I become a billionaire, he he!
Places I’ve lived:
India, Hong Kong, Japan, USA (present)
Jobs I’ve had:
Worked in research field and now an evergreen full-time mom!
Thanks for tagging me Sashree! I had fun doing it.
Wow beautiful necklace Uma!!!!
Congratulations for Ur awards and Winning.
Wonderful gifts Uma. Love the necklace and book too ... U deserve all those awards. Hugs to u Uma, enjoy ur break!
hey uma..congrats congrates congrates...u deserve a lot dear...necklace is soo pretty and if possible take a snap wearing that set and upload on ur blog.....and book from famous tarla dalal,it fabulous....congrates again...enjoy ur vacation with ur loving sis...
Lovely prizes....Congratulations....
WOW awesome gifts Uma, congratulations on ur well deserve awards. m very happy for u :)))
lovely awards,,,so you are having a great memorable vacation..
Very Beautiful Necklace Uma !!!!!
A book from Tarla dalal......Fabulous....
Congrats on ur awards U deserve more....
I am so much happy to receive award from u.....Thank u so much....
There is something for u at my blog :))
Enjoy the vacation with ur sis....
wow uma realy a very great movement for you. I am also a big fan of tarla dalal, very prity necklace my heart full congrats for you on your awards you deserve it all uma enjoy dear
Both ur prizes are tooo good...enjoy
Here's a big, hearty Congratulations for everything... prizes & awards! :) Enjoy your time with your sister.
wow wow wow.... congrats buddy ... soooooooooooooo happy for u .. yess i can imagine ur face happy happy....
Congrats uma.. u deserved it.. and nice to know more about u
Uma darling thank you so much for this wonderful award! A biggggg hug to yu dear bigger than universe! a kiss
oh my Uma! Congratulations on all the awards and prizes. You truly deserve it. the necklace in the first picture looks awesome. Enjoy
WOW!! Those are some great prizes Uma. Enjoy them and enjoy the awards too!:))
congrats on winning these prizes and on ur awards Uma!
Uma, enjoy your awards and prizes!
congrates Uma, enjoy ur awards :).
U must be in cloud 9 :)Congrats dear for the well deserved awards and prizes n wish u more in the future!!!Enjoy ur vacation
Congrats on ur awards and prizes Uma..May u get more in future
those are wonderful prizes you have won.....u surely deserve them......enjoy your awards and gifts
congrats on the awards, Uma, good going!
enjoy ur vacation!
Wonderful prizes and congrats on your awards
Enjoy the lovely awards an the beautiful prizes!!!
Uma, thanks sooooo much for the sweet big bear hug! It's just what I needed to make me smile. :) That necklace is really pretty, too!! Loved reading your meme as well, dear. Enjoy your vacation! :)
Now all that is left is to see your photo with the necklace on and eating a dish made from that book!!! :) and I will give you a biiggggg Bear hug too :)
Necklace chala bagundhi Uma gaaru :) Hope u r having a fun vacation :)
Oh my god.. see my blog...
Wow, necklace is beautiful! I can imagine you are happiness.. :) Congrats for all your awards and gifts.. and have a blast at your sister's place :)
wowow nice awards. keep it up
Wow Uma, you get these prizes and you are also on vacation at sis's place? lucky you :)...Enjoy them all dear and congrats on ur awards too..
uma,I have no other otion..i luv ur blog:)chk out for another award
surprise for u in my blog...
Congrats uma....the gifts look gr8...neclace is so beautiful..the book is undoubtedly a gr8 one...enjoyyyyy!!!
Congrats Uma...
Congrats Uma... The necklace looks pretty..enjoy your prizes and awards dear and your hols too :))
congrats on your awards ..enjoy it
hugs and smiles
Congrats on ur cute gifts gal..And hope u have a great vacation..
Thanks Uma.. for reminding me.. and for the award too! been busy these not bloghopping much!
Congratulations on ur award :)
Wow, wonderful necklace,and Tarla Dalal recipe book.. Congrats.. enjoy Dear !!
Hey congrats.The prizes are amazing and you totally deserved them :)
I have another award for u dear...
somthing for u on my blog...check out
Those are great prizes Uma. I'm envious!
Thanks for giving me a very big hug Uma. I was out to New York and Jersey that's why I didn't see this Uma, sorry dear! I wish we could meet!
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Thanks for dropping by! Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Hope to see you again! -Uma