My breakfast was traditional dosas with my favorite chutneys. For lunch my husband has made a delicious meal. Later I was surprised to see that my older daughter has baked a lovely cake with the help of her dad. It turned out perfect from the hands of a kid.
We went for a family walk later that evening around the neighborhood. Then we all enjoyed playing some games. Finally I was treated with a delicious home-made pizza.
I forgot to say I got some gifts too. They might be small but they are precious when you receive them from your beloved.
From my little one (above)
From my older one
I was treated like a queen and I wasn't allowed to do any work. It was a great day! I wish every day is a MOTHER’S DAY!
One last thing, my older daughter has started her own blog (of course with my help) that feature all her art and craft works, poems and stories (Yes, she is a great story teller). Please encourage her with your precious comments. Thank you in advance.
Here is the link: Crazy World of Art
The butterflies on the shirt are really cute. Is it applique or came with the shirt itself?
-Nature lover
Hi Uma...
That was a cute post to read...
Oh oh lucky queen.... I love the blue shirt with those butterflies Uma. Lovely poem too :)
Lucky you! Husband cooked for you with daughters? Everything sounds so good.
Arvind was on call, so he kept going to hospital in between the fun I had!:D
Wow! Sounds like you had a wonderful mother's day. Every mom deserves to be treated like a queen at least once a year! That blue shirt is so cute (I love butterflies!). :)
Wow that is so good. You really had a blast. All the gifts are wonderful.
Wow! All bow down to the queen :)
Hi Uma,
Looks like you had a perfect Mother's Day. Very happy to say that I had a wonderful Mother's Day too. I did not cook at all :)
I liked your idea of starting a blog for your daughter. Mine is very much into art and singing and I think this is a great way for all relatives to see her talent.
u are so lucky Uma..u have cute daughters...love the poem n the cute gifts..
wow nice blog y very cute gifts from your kids.
My son made wonderful gift for me.
That is a lovely post Uma.U are so lucky for having wonderful hubby and kids.
Uma, I am so happy for you, I bet it was a perfect mother's day for you. hey can you share your family fotos with us so that we can see your lovely daughters and ofcourse the poem was great...convey my regards to your husband for writing this to you. :)
That sounds like a perfect mothers day....nice poem and the gifts look very cute...
That was a perfect Mother's day. loved the poem, gifts and pampering! :-)
Just visited your daughter's blog. She is a budding artist/writer/poet. I am very impressed.
I was also thinking on the same lines to create a blog for Gudiya, just displaying her artwork and scribbles, so her grandparents back home will be able to enjoy. I am still thinking about it. Let's see.
that sounds so wonderful....precious moments...
your daughter's blog is so cute...loved the pictures....
Uma, so wonderful that you were pampered and treated to a wonderful memorable day. You have an awesome family.
Wow, what a perfect Mother's day you had Uma!! All these little gestures by kids are so touching isn't it ?? Good for you..Will go visit ur daughter's blog now :)
WOW, lovely and cuteeeeeee post Uma :))) Perfect Mother's Day.
hai uma
ur really surrounded with loving ppl and am able to aort up how happy hours it would have been..... god bless ur family ...
Mee husband rasina kavita chaalaa baagundi Uma.....congrats for having a loving family.
thats a lovely post...great that you had a wonderful time...
lucky u ... everything was perfect... d card... d poem... d gifts... am sure u must b feeling on top of d world..
Hey your daughter is as talented as you :) The gifts were lovely!
hello ur highness :)
thats really one sweet post uma. glad to know u had wonderful mother's day. now let me go n check ur little ones blog :)
You are Really Gifted To have such a wonderfull family Uma...
Meeru koonthru cake bagaundhi..pizz photo ethalethaa??
and Ur Hubby's poem is really Good.
Nice post and nice poem Uma!
I am very happy for you,got a lovely family.This shows how good you have played the role of a wife and mother.Really so proud of u.
Thats so sweet...
it feels so good to have such lovely kids.. lucky u! i saw ur daughter's blog.. i got so emotional :( it reminded me about my school days..
chala bavundi uma.such lovely kids.the younger ones work is lovely .it wuld be much better if ur kids pic were posted...
BTW i saw ur chaitrika's blog,its wonderful.I liked her name.
You are one lucky mother....lovely gifts....
Uma nice & sweet post:)
Lovely gifts.
Lucky U!!.. poem chala chala bagundi Uma.. chala rojula taruvata, anta manchi poem telugulo chadivanu..and the gifts, the cake.. everything is so picture perfect - Ms. Queen!!..:D
Gifts, food and no work ... Good for you. Hope every day is Mother`s Day for you. My daughter gave me a card and a gift. Very special indeed.
Hi Uma,
cool shirt. U R very lucky
That's awesome, Uma...your family sounds lovely!
And thanks for visiting my blog!
Wow that was so sweet of them, the poem, the cake, the t-shirt all are so lovely.
You must be one proud & pampered Mom :)
Wow, Uma! How did I miss this yesterday. You are one lucky girl. Your girl's art work is very good and of course your husband's poem too. You must have been thrilled to the core. May God bless all of you.
So happy dear,by seeing the little hand prints.Happy Moms day:-)
what a wonderful mother's day for you..hope this contineus for years to come.
kavita superundi Uma.what a wonderful mother's day for you....luckeyyy
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Thanks for dropping by! Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Hope to see you again! -Uma