I wanted to contribute for the wonderful event, “Putting Up” being hosted by Rosie of “Rosie Bakes a ‘Peace’ of Cake” and Pixie of “You Say Tomahto, I Say Tomayto”. It’s an event about Jams and Preserves. So I searched and searched and landed on this easy Jam recipe. I chose this recipe for two reasons: I have many apples at home and easily done in a microwave.

- 2 Apples (any kind)
- 1 ½ cups Sugar
- 1 tsp Lemon Juice
Peel, core and chop apples into fine pieces.
Combine apple and sugar in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 3-5 minutes until apples are tender.
Take out from the microwave and beat apple mixture with electric mixer until well blended.
Microwave on high again for 3-4 minutes until the mixture becomes thick. Stir once during the cooking time.
Then finally stir in the lemon juice. Pour into prepared jars, seal and refrigerate.
Apply on bread slices and enjoy!
This is one recipe I MUST try out Uma it looks delicious!! I could eat this also spread over toast!!
Many thanks for partaking in this event too - wonderful entry!! Well done :)
Rosie x
yumy jam uma.
by the way I am going to make idli sambar for tonights dinner and will be waiting for uuu ,ok
jam is superb!! lovely
Yet to try all types of jam's...
Sounds so easy to make....and looks real good....
Wow Hummy Uma, it seems quiet easy :)Love the pic
WOW!... Home made apple jam... Sounds great... YUMMY!... nice healthy recipe....Love it....
yum yum yum ...wow it looks so yummy and easy too ..will try for sure
Hey Uma..that sounds too simple..I too have to try this out..must have tasted delicious
A great entry- thank you so much for your participation in our event!
I've never seen a jam made with microwave! thanks for the recipe and the tip. i saw you in a comment on Rosie's blog and it's really a big surprise for me having found such a fantastic blog as yours :-)
I'll follow you gladly!
loved this post.. jam looks so delicious.. cant wait to try it.
love the colour and transluscence of the jam. thanks for this recipe.
Awesome Umaaaaaaaaaaa dear.
Yummmyyyyy jam uma, looks delicious. thanxxx for sharing.
Jam looks perfect Uma.Looks simple and easy to make
wow, couldn't get any simpler than this! just 5 mins Uma?? really? awesome girl..I'll be trying this!
Now there's a quick one and that, too, in the microwave!! You rock, Uma! Awesome entry! :)
That's totally awesome, Uma.
i agree with you. because of blogging, I am making new dishes for the events and learning something new everyday. like this MW jam of yours. I never knew that it can be made in MW and that too so quickly. Great entry.
Wow, the jam looks so good!! And you made it in the microwave, even better. Great recipe Uma!!
That looks great...am going to try it soon
hey, you come up with some neat, easy ideas. This is awesome.
wow you are an expert in microwave cooking i guess:) excellent looking jam!!
Love the colour :)
Nice dear.. looks very good
Wow,Uma...this looks yummy and pretty easy!
uma...you are mean mean mean...:)..your've waited for mec to have this theme right...:)..kidding...that jam is so wonderful looking all so green and lovely..
Just three ingredients?! This looks great!
Easy and healthy with no preservatives etc, great recipe to try. Good one Uma!:)
apple jam looks like marmalade, am sure, it must take great. Thanks for this easy recipe.
This one is great, really. the MW part makes it the best
hi uma, I dont know whats the matter but others can't see my images, but when i look at my own blog without signing in, i am able to see all my pics, isnt that strange? no idea :(
Hi Uma,
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I just recently brought some books from the lib to try out some jams and jellies that use spices.
There is nothing like a homemade jam, right?
Nice post.
The colour is v nice, wish I could taste it.
thnx for letting me knw abt the roti mela, i just sent in my entry. microwave jam....tht sounds really intresting.
wow, nice jam. I have few jam colloections in my blog.
That's it? WOW, awesome recipe Uma... How long will it last?
I have something for you, check my blog !
Uma, I love that color of the apple jam, It looks superb!!Nice recipe and I am going to try
jam looks nice and sounds easy too . thanks for the recipe.
Quite an simple and healthy one
the jam looks delicious. am not a great fan of apples though- probably will give it a try with strawberries or pineapple. like the layout of your blog- very clear, distinct and easy to read.
hi first time to ur blog.Jam looks very delicious..shuld try this uma.
does the method for preparing mixed fruit jam is also da same way...??
Dear friends,
Thank you so much for your encouraging, sweet words.
sweeeeeet.....looks so yummy...
even u have a lovely blog n grt things to learn from.will try out this jam for sure!!!thanks for ur lovely comment.keep visiting n ill do too.
Hi Uma,
stopping over to let you know the event is up and ready thanks again
Ulma, I am sorry but here is a warning to all- i tried this jam, and it went awful. i did exactky what the directions said, instead, for my results, i got thick, non spreadable awful tasting jam. again no effense, but this is the truth, and with all that sugar, i ruined my best pot. the sugar baked, and stuck to the edges of my bowl, and it wouldn't come off, i went through two sponges and a whole lot of dish detergent and it still stayed. the jam in the end like i said before, didnt taste so great. my tip- dont try it!
Hi Anonymous,
Sorry to hear that this jam didn't came out good for you! But it came out perfect for me. It might be due the differences between power of the microwaves. This is not my own recipe, I just followed it from a different source which I have linked in my recipe. As you can see, it was easily spreadable for me! we really enjoyed a lot and the taste also came good. Don't know how you made it!
Yum Yum Yum this looks good! :) Can't wait to try it out!
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